13 August, 2009

Cherry Tree Hill

Another childhood memory - this place is a real treasure, literally, and I'm not going to say exactly where it is. In the 50's and 60's it was a hive of activity, the place to be on a Sunday afternoon, parents would pack the picnic baskets and bundle the kids in the car for a trip to Cherry Tree Hill, near Kurrajong in NSW. There was a playground with a maypole, a swing set, a see-saw and a slippery dip, there was a shop that sold icy boys and redskins and chips, and there was a couple of lookout posts on the ridge with binoculars on them so we could see far off into the distance.
It was a kids playground, and a parents meeting point.
Now, sadly, it's all abandoned, all that remains is overgrown grass, no binoculars, a rusty maypole and remains of the swings set and see-saw.
We did manage to find some old coins on the ground though, reminders of the heady days, with my trusty metal detector, and 20 minutes searching I managed to find a 1938 penny, evidence of a past flourishing time.. ahh, the memories...

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