15 March, 2010

Historic Stroud - And Prime Poo..

Travel from Sydney to Newcastle via the outback ! Well, kinda, Stroud is on the road to Newcastle, the one that isn't the freeway .. sure it adds an extra hour or two to the journey, but the scenery more than makes up for it ..and Stroud is, apparently, one of the only places you can buy Prime Horse Poo, obviously from better quality horses..
Right in the middle of the town is a rather large hill, aptly called Silo Hill. In 1841, seven 20ft deep silos were hand dug into the hill by convict labour, in order to store grain for protection against weevils.
The entrance to the silos are sealed except for one which has a grate you can lift and a ladder to climb down inside...spooky..

Canon with Silo Entrance:
There are also a couple of canons resting on Silo Hill, pointed at the town... these two canons were shipped from England in 1855 for the defence of Sydney Harbour during the Crimea War, they were then sent to Newcastle for the defence of the city and decommissioned in 1909.
Eventually they were shipped by boat down the Karuah River and hauled by dray to their present position on Silo Hill..

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